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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Self - Just Say Yes!

Are you taking care of yourself? Are you getting enough sleep, able to do the things you need to do to keep yourself sane? If you are not able to get enough time to release the stress of the day, you are doing both you and your loved one a disservice. If you can't start fresh at some time during the day, you are hurting yourself.
You are going to need a solid support system in the future. So, start setting it up now.  Having people that you can call at a moment's notice is invaluable. You need to start bringing people into your circle that you can trust because your loved one may have a hard time with strangers. Your neighbors may seem as strangers to your loved one so get them familiar again as soon as you can. If your loved one will let them do an activity with them, encourage that as much as possible. The activity could be simple, such as playing cards, a musical instrument, listening to music or taking a walk around the yard or block while you are gone. It will be good for all of you. Ever think that maybe your loved one needs a break from you? It is possible. If you are completely stressed they know it. You can't hide it, so address the stress for both your sakes.

Your friends and neighbors want to help.  They can see what you are going through. If they ask you if they can bring dinner, visit or sit with your loved one for an hour, let them.  Have someone provide a meal once in a while. Admit it, that would be nice. It is imperative that you get a break! No one can do a good job of caregiving 24 hours a day 7 days a week with no break. Stop trying to attain the status of superhero. We already know that you are a superhero. If you weren't, you wouldn't be doing such a good job. This job takes stamina, courage, empathy and an extreme amount of patience.  Asking for help may be the most important and hardest part of this journey.

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